jueves, 3 de abril de 2008

My Inspiration / Agus

The person that I choose to be my inspiration is my Italian professor, her name is Teresa Pescarolo. I consider her my inspiration because she has taught me more than just contents of the Italian language. I’ve learned from her, cultural aspects of the Italian life and experiences about it.

I would like to have a similar life than hers because she has travelled to Italy several times. Besides, she has an exceptional sense of moral that I consider very important, I also choose her because I think she is a very clever and educated person.

Despite the fact that it was not easy for me to choose somebody, I thought about it, and she is the most suitable person.

Kisses, Agustina Lezcano Sticchi.-

5 comentarios:

jonatan dijo...

My inspiration by Jonatan Kon

A man who has inspired me was someone who was always happy. I don`t know him but i read about him in an e-mail. I read that he always went to work with a smile and in a good mood. His name was Jerry and he was a natural motivator. If somebody was having a bad day, Jerry was always there, telling him or her how to look at the positive side of situation.
Somebody one day said to him: "I don`t get it. No one can be a positive person all the time. How do you do it?". Jerry replied: "Each morning i wake up and i say to myself, i have two choices today. I can choose to be in a good mood or i can choose to be in a bad mood. I always choose the first one". So now i try to do the same, to choose to be in good mood and to learn from the errors.

Level B Rules dijo...

ohhh so good:)

agus &herni

Anónimo dijo...

you will be a good speaker italian (y)


Level B Rules dijo...

Aaaand who help you to choose her? =).

haha, love u blond girl.


Level B Rules dijo...

nice inspiration agus ..one of the best country, i like italy... im sure that you can go there =)