viernes, 4 de abril de 2008

My Inspiration / July

When I was 7 years old I had a PE teacher, I think he is my inspiration because he made me feel so enthusiastic at the time of doing sports.

Jorge was an enthusiastic and funny person, he was, also, friendly, sweet and solidary. I really enjoyed all the classes, the camps and other activities that we did. I was very good

at sports and he encouraged me to be better in all the competitions, the groups activities and other things.

I really enjoyed the five or six years that he was my teacher, I loved going to PE because of all the creative ideas that he had.


3 comentarios:

Level B Rules dijo...

very nais post :)

agus & herny

Level B Rules dijo...

Great! he make you like sports. A very hard work for any one, the most of the teenagers hate it.

Conngratulatios to him for that, and congratulatios to you for the text.

Male =)

Anónimo dijo...

you will be a good player (Y)
