Hi there!
As u know, we've dealt with the topic of Teachers and Students and I gave u an assigment on Wednesday, 26: Write about a person that has influenced your life big time (Of course, it can be a teacher), aprox 100 / 120 words.
Firstly, you write it on a sheet of paper.
Secondly, you hand it in for me to correct the mistakes
Finally, you post it
as a comment on this entry
If you are not a student of 6th year B, but you would like to participate in this post and tell your anecdote, YOU CAN DO IT. :)
Here's an example
To be a teacher is a very bold and courageous goal in life. Several of the most important and influential people in my life have been my former teachers. One of them, in particular, comes to my mind right away. Raúl Acosta, my former History teacher, was a man who really CARED about how his students were doing. Sure, if you're going to be a teacher, you should care about your students, but this man went above and beyond so that his kids could feel they were progressing and were happy as well as successful. When our personal lives were affecting our academic life, he stepped in and made us see straight again. He was very straight-forward, which is what most people need in their lives. He demanded a lot from all of us, but that was also what we got from him. He applied so many estrategies to help everyone learn not only the subject content, but also to think for ourselves and to question everything we read. He taught us to love our national history and, through his brilliant methodology , he made us realize that many things that happen currently, have their origins in our past history. He made us feel we could make a better world, that we could change what was wrong, that we could make a difference. When it came around Exam time, he made sure that we felt confident enough to pass the tests. I passed all my exams with excellent marks, but most importantly, I felt that I had really learnt throughout the year . He was a great man, teacher, and friend. I respect and admire him for everything he had done for us, and particularly for me, because he introduced me in the amazing world of being part of the process of Teaching and Learning. I think that is how my desire to be a teacher began.